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St Luke's

Church of England Primary School

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Our Deanery Network

Our Deanery Network


St Luke's has the privilege of being part of the Islington Deanery network of schools. The strong bond between all eight schools ensures we are able to work together to develop best practice and drive both our own and the LDBS vision for all children to flourish.


This includes network meeting and events, curriculum development, professional development and joint moderation across deanery schools. We also run partnership events such as prayer days, collective worship, music, sporting and curriculum days.


Please see the pdf below for a visual aid of all Islington church of England Primary Schools:



Islington Church of England location map

Website Links to Islington Deanery Primary Schools

See link below for more information about the importance of small community church schools:


See link below for more information regarding the achievements of LDBS schools:
