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St Luke's

Church of England Primary School

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Autumn Term 1 2024

Year 3 have gone off to a great start! The children have been learning about Nelson Mandela and the Apartheid. They are on their way to creating a historical recount of Nelson Mandela's life. In Science we have been exploring forces and magnets - the children had an opportunity to play around with magnets and see what objects are magnetic and which objects aren't. For Maths we have finished on Place value and have moved onto addition and subtraction. The county trust have also started their projects with Year 3 which includes cooking and gardening every fortnight - the children are enjoying themselves. 

The children went to the Barbican Conservatory - they had so much fun learning about the plants and how they grow and what environments they live in! 


The children split up into 5 different groups and completed a treasure hunt.
