Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
The role of our Governors is an intrinsic part of the running of the school. Their diverse and varied backgrounds, coupled with their desire for helping the young people of Moreland and St. Luke’s, gives us an excellent and skilled group of committed people with the development and safety of children always held with paramount importance.
Governors at St Luke's Primary School uphold standards and maintain excellence by:
The role of a Governor is to not only support the Senior Leadership Team here but also to challenge us in our quest for continual improvement. They are, however, not there to manage or become involved in the day-to-day running of the school. The duties of the Governors are fulfilled by attending meetings and providing strategic guidance and probing the Senior Leadership Team within St Luke's Primary School. They will also be required to undertake visits, serve on relevant committees to their skills and experience and oversee the Headteacher’s performance.
More information on our Governance can be found below :
Our governing board has the following members in 2023-24:
David Allen - Foundation Governor
Valerie Bosman- Quarshie - Local Authority Governor
Ann Dwulit - Staff Governor, Headteacher St Lukes
Chris Fry -Associate Member
Ruth Grant - Co-opted Governor
Jo Honigmann - Co-opted Governor
Louise Hunter - Foundation Governor
Emke Keulen - Foundation DBE or PCC Appointed Governor
Catherine Lawrence- Staff Governor, Headteacher Moreland
Jack Noble - Foundation Ex-Officio Governor
Sarah Osprey- Co-opted Governor
Syed Adeel Raza - Parent Governor
Susan Steele - Foundation DBE or PCC Appointed Governor
Ngoc Young - Parent Governor
Athena Anatasi -Staff Governor
Governor's Roles for 2023-24 are as follows:
Chair of Governors - Ruth Grant
Vice Chair of Governors - Jo Honigmann
Chair of FPS Committee - Louise Hunter
Chair of CCPES Committee - Ngoc Young
Safeguarding Governors - Jo Honigmann, David Allen, Ruth Grant, Jack Noble
LAC/PLAC Governor - Jo Honigmann
Equality, Inclusion and SEND Governor - Jo Honigmann
Health and Safety Governor - t.b.c
Community Investment - Valerie Bossman-Quarshie
GDPR - Syed Adeel Raza
Medicines - Ruth Grant
More Able Pupils - Susan Steele
Promotion of Schools - Chris Fry
Link Curriculum Governor for English and Phonics - Mini Habiba
Link Curriculum Governor for STEM - Louise Hunter
Link Curriculum Governor for the Arts - Ngoc Young
Link Curriculum Governor for MFL - Ruth Grant
Link Curriculum Governor for SMSC - Sarah Osprey
Link Curriculum Governor for RE and Collective Worship - David Allen, Jack Noble
Link Curriculum Governor for RSE- Sarah Osprey
Link Governor for PE and Healthy Schools - t.b.c
Link Governor for the Children's Centre - Emke Keulen
Our board had the following members in 2022-23:
David Forsdick -Foundation Governor
Louise Hunter - Foundation Governor
Emke Keulen - Foundation Governor
David Allen - Foundation Governor
Jack Noble - Foundation Governor
Ruth Grant - Co-opted Governor
Sarah Osprey - Co-opted Governor
Jo Honigmann - Co-opted Governor
Ngoc Young - Elected Parent Governor (St Luke's)
Syed Adeel Raza- Elected Parent Governor (Moreland)
Ann Dwulit - Staff Governor, Headteacher St Luke's
Catherine Lawrence - Staff Governor, Headteacher Moreland
Juan Gonzalez Gomez - Elected Staff Governor
Valerie Bossman - Quarshie - Local Authority Governor, LBI Islington
Governor's Roles for 2022-23 were as follows:
Chair of Governors - Ruth Grant
Vice Chair of Governors - David Forsdick
Chair of FPS Committee - Louise Hunter
Chair of CCPES Committee - Ngoc Young
Safeguarding Governors - Jo Honigmann, David Allen, Ruth Grant
LAC/PLAC Governor - Emke Keulen
SEND Governor - Jo Honigmann
Health and Safety Governor - David Forsdick
EYFS and Children's Centre Governor - Vaerie Bossman-Quarshie
Link Curriculum Governor for English and Phonics - Syed Adeel Raza
Link Curriculum Governor for STEM - Louise Hunter
Link Curriculum Governor for the Arts - Ngoc Young
Link Curriculum Governor for Geography and History - David Forsdick
Link Curriculum Governor for MFL - Ruth Grant
Link Curriculum Governor for SMSC - Sarah Osprey
Link Curriculum Governor for RE and Worship - David Allen
Link Curriculum Governor for PSHE - Juan Gonzalez Gomez
Link Curriculum Governor for RSE- Ruth Grant
Link Governor for PE and Healthy Schools - Valerie Bossman- Quarshie