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St Luke's

Church of England Primary School

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School Lunches

To apply for Free School Meals see the Islington Council website / free school meals



Playtime snacks


Children are welcome to bring fresh fruit or vegetables to enjoy during their playtime - no other snacks are suitable.


Packed Lunch


For ideas on creating a healthy packed lunch for your child, the NHS website offers a wealth of detailed recipes and helpful tips.


Click here for packed lunch ideas


Below is our St Luke's healthy eating pamphlet, outlining what is and is not allowed in your child's packed lunch.

Caterlink sugar reduction


Caterlink who provide our school meals have taken part in a sugar reduction programme. Here is a summary of the results of Caterlink's two year sugar reduction programme, across Caterlink as a whole and also specifically here in Islington, that was aimed at reducing free sugars from desserts.  In Islington there has been a 71% reduction in sugar since the start of the programme and further facts and figures are available in the attachments.

Healthy Schools Recognition

We are delighted to confirm that as a result of completing and meeting all the criteria on the Camden and Islington health and wellbeing review, St Luke's continues to be recognised as a Camden and Islington Healthy School. This recognition lasts for two years, until March 2020.