Welcome to the Year 2 Class Page. We hope you are enjoying all of the fun activities we have planned for you so far this term! I attach the parents grid for your referral. If you need anything at all do not hesitate to ask!
It was nice to see those of you who came to our very first Meet the Teacher meeting last week. If you were not able to make it, I attach the presentation below for you to refer to.
Best wishes,
Mrs Phillips, Maria, Fatma and Kelly
Meet the teacher presentation 06.09.24
We did a Sufraggette Protest in assembly today to teach the children about the British Value of Democracy. We demanded 'Votes for Women!'.
Every Friday if the children get over 1000 collective Dojo Points we have a special treat for the last hour. This week the children achieved this and opted for 'paper airplane making and flying competition'. It was great fun!
We are learning about Rosa Parks and how she launched the Civil Rights Movement. We did a 'hot seating' activity in which the children thought of questions to ask our special guest Rosa Parks. The questions were very thoughtful. Thank you Tinashe for making a great Rosa character!