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Dream Catcher Assemblies

Catching dreams at St Luke’s Primary

Dreamcatcher assemblies on a Wednesday morning are a favourite feature of life at St Luke’s. Speakers from all walks of life come in to share their stories, giving the children a sense of the many opportunities open to them in the world beyond school. 


We find many of our Dreamcatchers through  Our school proudly hosted the national launch of Primary Futures!

Could you be our next Dreamcatcher?  If you can spare half an hour to inspire our pupils, we would love to hear from you! (


Emily Weaver - Schools and Family Learning Officer

St Paul's Cathedral




Emily showed us a picture of St Paul’s Cathedral, where she works. When school groups come she gives them a tour around the historic building and makes links to what they’re learning. She loves working in such an inspiring place, and she also loves meeting new people and showing them around.


Emily trained as a teacher a long time ago, then had her children. She wanted to stay connected so she volunteered in her children’s school and around the community. She applied for the job in the St Paul’s Learning team when her children had grown up.


Emily grew up in the town of Harlow and went to a community school near home, then to secondary school and university. She doesn’t have a lot of free time but she loves making mosaics, so her dream is to have more spare time to be creative.


If she could meet herself again at our age she’d say: “The most important thing is to love yourself and the person you are. Be confident, be brave, and go out and find the place in the world for you.”




Joanne Fleming - Human Resources, Phoenix Group




Joanne works in an organisation called Phoenix. There are 7,000 people working there. Phoenix has 13 million customers, helping them save money for when they’re older and stop working.


Joanne works in Human Resources, which means looking after the people in the organisation.


“Every day is different. I might interview someone or talk to them about their work.” She finds out what learning they need to do their job even better.  The best thing is when she knows she’s making a difference, helping people realise they can make a positive impact.


Jo grew up in Ireland, in a little town called Kingscourt. She went to a school called St Joseph’s until she was 11, then had to take a bus for half an hour to secondary school. She loved art and music. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do after school but she knew she liked people. She started as a secretary and moved to London when she was 24. Later she went to college at night, not far from here in Holloway, to get the qualifications she needed for her job now.


"Everyone should just keep dreaming big!” Joanne told us. Her dreams right now are to continue enjoying her work, travelling, and helping charities with the skills she has from her work.


Her advice to herself at our age would be: “You need to be happy. When you get up every day, think of all the positive things in your life. It’s also important to be kind to everyone, then they’ll be kind to you.”




Joe Seifert - Chief Executive Officer, EET Hydrogen




Joe Seifert, our Dream Catcher today, is Adam’s big brother. He’s in charge of a building a huge factory to make hydrogen. The hydrogen will be used to produce cleaner energy than we get from burning oil and gas. The plant will make enough hydrogen to power a whole city.


Joe is in charge of a hydrogen plant trying to get rid of the bad air [carbon dioxide] from gas leaving just hydrogen as fuel that when it burns only gives off water [H2O]. His factory will be the first one anywhere in the world. It will be like taking one million cars off the road.


Joe is the manager. He spends most of his days talking to lots of important people in his own team, at the bank and in the government, to make sure they have everything they need to make the factory.  To do his job he had to go to university and he had to learn how to talk to people and understand their experience.


Joe grew up in Stoke-on-Trent and went to school just like this one near his home.

If he could meet himself again at our age he’d say: “Try your hardest. Have fun! And be flexible.”



Madison and Jose interviewed Joe while Henliz and Zayn took notes. Binky took the photos.




Pixie Freeman - Fashion Designer





Pixie is Head of Design at a fashion company. She designs nightwear, underwear, and sportswear for boys, girls and families. She showed us samples of her designs.


Pixie leads a team of four designers. On a typical day she makes sure everyone in her team is happy, then they look at what their customers need them to design. She gets to laugh a lot at work and she travels around the world.


After school Pixie worked in fashion until she was 27, when she went to university. She got a degree in Contour Fashion, meaning anything that fits closely to your body. (Pixie studied at DeMontfort University in Leicester, one of the few places in the world to offer Contour Fashion. She waited to go to university until she knew exactly what she wanted to do.)


Pixie grew up in a little village in the Midlands. When she was at school she wasn’t sure what she wanted to be, but she knew it would be something creative. She loved making her own clothes. She also loves the sea and swimming, so if she had a different job she might be an underwater explorer.



Liya: “How many people do you work for?”

Pixie: “We have about 10 customers at a time. Some are quite small, like Sweaty Betty, just in London. Some are big, like M&S: we design things they sell all over the world.”

Liya: " What advice would you give us?"

“My advice would be: enjoy yourself, laugh at something every day, and don’t worry too much: you’re going to be something amazing!”





Cllr Valarie Bossman-Quarshie 

Bunhill ward, London Borough of Islington




Councillor Valerie is on Islington council [representing Bunhill Ward]. On a typical day she might visit a local school or walk around the ward spotting environmental problems for the app Love Clean Streets [you can use it too!]. She also visits people in the community, could be people with disabilities swimming at Ironmonger Baths.


Her learning experience to get her job was lots of listening and being very attentive. The best thing about her job is meeting people to hear about their lives locally so I can listen and learn to try and help them. She really likes meeting children.


Councillor Valerie grew up in north Islington and went to a school called Christ the King. She was a sports person when she was in primary. She loved football and played in goal. Three years ago she ran her own campaign for London Assembly.


Valerie’s dream for the future is to be a head teacher. Her wishes are for peace and for every child to have a roof over their head. Valerie goes round reading books to children in schools: she’s a Reading Champion.



Ofelya Kastanbollu - Teaching Assistant, St Luke's Primary School



Ofelya’s job is looking after Josiah one to one.  She starts off day with Josiah’s timetable, working through the day to help him learn.

She grew up in Hackney and went to two schools, then went to university and got a degree in Psychology. When she was at school, Ofelya wanted to be a singer but she changed her mind and decided to help children. The best thing about her job is making children happy


If you had three wishes, what would they be?


"Solve world hunger. Travel around the world in 80 days. See every animal in the world."


What’s your biggest fear?

She has a phobia about heights.

If you could meet yourself at our age, what advice would you give yourself?

“Carry on being yourself and persevere.”







Alfred Biehler - Head of Innovation, Google



Alfred goes and talks to many people about his work at Google. The day before he has to prepare, and he always starts by praying to Jesus: “what do these people need to hear from me?”

Be curious and put everything into what you do: that’s how he got his job. The best thing about his work is speaking to people, especially when he sees their eyes light up with inspiration.

Alfred grew up in Namibia, near South Africa. There was no TV or Internet when he was at school. There wasn’t even grass, because it’s a very dry country. He dreamed of being an inventor and building a computer. He used to draw computers in the sand.

Alfred’s wishes are for wars to stop, and to have unlimited wishes. If he had 24 hours to live he’d be celebrating and worshipping Jesus"


What’s your biggest fear?

“I’m so glad you asked that! Fear is something not to worry about because Jesus is with us.”

“When you’re scared your brain goes off like an alarm clock, so the first thing I do is tell my brain to stop. Then I get on my knees and pray, asking Jesus what I can do. If it’s something I can’t do anything about, I say: ‘Jesus, I’m handing this back to you.’ So then I don’t have to be scared.





Yasmine Ahmet - Gas Engineer




Yasmine is a gas engineer who fixes gas boilers. A typical day is fixing breakdowns.

“If you have a hot water problem, I’m the first person to call!”

She wanted to do a job with construction.

“When I left secondary school I didn’t go to college; I went to get a qualification at a private college.”

Yasmine did an apprenticeship, working four days a week, then going to college for the fifth day. It took her five years to qualify, and she earned while she learned!

“I grew up in East London. My dream is to start my own business.”

“If I had to choose another job I’d want to work in a zoo. I love animals. My favourite animal is a cat.”


In Yasmine’s company there are only three women gas engineers. She’s the only one in London.


Mrs Dwulit said: “Girls, it doesn’t matter if people think some jobs are only for men: you can do what you want!”







Lydia Ashman - Schools and Young People Programme Manager,

Cubitt Artists



Lydia came in to tell us about her work with Cubitt Artists.

Cubitt Artists was founded 30 years ago by a group of artists. They’re based at the Angel, not far from our school.

Cubitt has 32 studios for artists: those are the private spaces where artists make their work. They have artists who draw, paint, make film, sculpture and all kinds of visual art.They also have a gallery where the public come to see what the artists have made.

Lydia’s job is all about getting artists working with young people in schools and around Islington, exploring their stories and ideas through art.

Lydia invited children to ask questions.

What’s your favourite art style?

“There is an art style about working with people, that’s what I really like. Last summer I worked with teenagers who made a magazine and a radio show.”

How long does it take to do a drawing?

“That really depends—it could be a minute or hours, or even longer.”

“You could try making a drawing in a minute: it’s a good challenge!”






                     Ellie Ballinger - Trainee recruitment advisor at Slaughter and May                                                                        07/06/2023


Interview by Emir and Treyvon; notes by Amron and Pariss; photo by Niyah


Ellie works at Slaughter and May. Her job is recruiting trainee lawyers. She reviews applications and organises events with universities in the autumn, runs open days in the spring and work experience schemes in the summer. She also interviews candidates all year round. For her job she needed good GCSE and A level grades (particularly in GCSE English), strong written and verbal communication skills and lots of confidence. “You don’t need to go to university to do my job.”


What’s the best thing about your job?

“Interviewing candidates and the people I work with.”

When you were at school, what did you dream of doing when you grew up?

“I wanted to be a vet in the morning, a teacher in the afternoon, and a pop star at night.”


Do you have any other dreams for the future?

“I have three guinea pigs. One of my dreams is to live in the countryside and run a guinea pig rescue shelter.”


If you could meet yourself at our age, what advice would you give yourself?

“Turn every mistake into a learning opportunity.”






                     Deeksha Rathi - Solicitor, associate at Slaughter and May                                                                                   24/05/2023  



                                                        Interview by Joel and Sophia, notes by Deon and Yeshua, photographs by Niyah.


Deeksha is a solicitor focusing on tax law. “On a typical day at work I answer clients’ questions on tax, using the law and explaining the consequences of breaking it.”


“I was born and grew up in India. I went to school in New Delhi, the capital of India. I came here to do a Masters in Law, and I studied law all the way through, because in India that’s what you have to do to become a lawyer.” Deeksha explained that here in Britain you can study something else first, then go on to become a lawyer.

“The best thing about my job is solving problems. I also really like working with people and helping them.”

What’s the hardest problem you’ve solved?

“It’s usually the ones involving companies in different countries, all with different tax laws.”


If you could meet yourself at our age, what advice would you give yourself?

“You should always put your health first. Enjoy the stage of life you have.”





                                             Kirsty Walker - Magistrate                                                                                                              17/05/2023 



Kirsty Walker works as a magistrate in a court. “It’s a bit like being a judge, but for less serious crimes.” Kirsty explained that only 5% (five in every 100) crimes go to Crown Court, with a judge and jury. 95% go to a magistrates’ court, where there’s no jury, just three magistrates deciding whether the person accused is guilty or innocent.

Being a magistrate is a volunteer job, so she doesn’t get paid. She didn’t need any particular qualifications. She just had to prove that she would make unbiased decisions based on the evidence.


Kirsty grew up on the Isle of Man, in the Irish Sea. She went to secondary school, in Hertfordshire, just north of London. When she was our age she wanted to be a weather person. For 10 years after she left school she was a model and got to travel around the world: she loved that! Now she does lots of different things and really enjoys her life.


What’s the worst punishment you’ve given someone?

“6 months in prison or a £5000 fine. Those are the maximum sentences in magistrates’ court.”

If you could meet yourself at our age, what advice would you give yourself?


“Be open to criticism without taking it personally. People often think criticism is a bad thing, but listen to what we call constructive criticism: that can really help you do better.”         






                     Claire Spencer - Chief Executive Officer, Barbican Centre                                                                                       26/04/2023           



                                  Niyah and Yeshua interviewed Claire, who came with her PA Eve Scott. Deon and Sophia took notes.


Claire Spencer is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Barbican Centre. She looks after all the artists that come in, and the audiences. She manages the budget for events. On a typical day she has lots of meetings, talking to people about problems. She likes to check in on the workers. At the end of the day she might watch one of the performances.

Claire grew up in Teddington, in southwest London, and went to St Mary’s and St Peter’s Church of England Primary School. She went to Cambridge University to study theology, then became an accountant. She worked at Arts Centre Melbourne, in Australia, before moving to London to work at the Barbican.

“The best thing about my job is working in such a beautiful place, talking to the performers and watching the performances.”

Back when she was at school Claire dreamed of being a hairdresser and a police officer. Now she’s a mum and bases her dreams around them. She hopes the climate issues will be solved. She dreams of a society where you can live your dreams.


What inspired you to get your job?

“I used to visit the Barbican as a child and the thought of working at the Barbican was amazing, such a great opportunity.”


Who are your heroes?

“My dad and people like Mother Teresa.”






 Kaily Fox & Liam Gowdy - Structural Engineer & Senior Structural Technician



Gracie and Ceres interviewed our Dream Catchers today. Yeshua and Joel took notes.


Joel’s notes on Kaily:

Kaily told us about her job as a structural engineer. She mostly works in the office and does calculations.

She needed a degree to get her job. She did more Art-based subjects first, then in her 20s she did a Maths A-level and got her degree in Engineering.

She loves doing calculations and sketching designs.

Kaily grew up in Swindon and wanted to be a few things, including a journalist and an architect. Her dream is to retire to a house in the Italian hills.

She would tell herself at a younger age to not worry so much and to choose subjects that you really enjoy.


Yeshua’s notes on Liam:

Liam uses 3D software to visualise what the final product should look like and bases projects on sketches by engineers like Kaily.

You can do GCSEs and apprenticeship to get into his job.

He enjoys the thought of knowing a building was designed by them.

He grew up in Australia and wanted to become a professional surfer.

His dream is to own a business.

He would tell himself at a younger age to be brave and say yes to opportunities.              






Major Harry Noble - British Army




Milad and Sadia interviewed our Dream Catcher today. Niyah and Pariss took notes.


Harry Noble is an officer in the British army – and Father Jack’s brother!

On a typical day he wakes up early in the morning (0545) to exercise with the other soldiers. As an officer, his job is to gather all the information he can about what the enemy is doing. He advises our side what to do in a real battle.

Harry took a degree in civil engineering (to be an officer you actually need just two A levels). He grew up in Surrey and went to Greville Primary School. He dreamed of being a soldier, considering the Air Force, but decided the Army suited him better. Harry has two children, Buzz and Ted, and a wife named Sarah.

One of his most embarrassing moments was in training when they had to stay awake for five days, so they slept in shifts. He was the last person to have his shift sleep but the trainer thought he had already had his sleep, so he got told off in front of everybody.  Three of Harry’s wishes were for Ted and Buzz to be happy, both him and Sarah to succeed in their careers, and to enjoy life. Harry’s advice to himself at our age would be to have goals and continue trying to improve.






Andrew Nurnberg - Literary Agent, Andrew Nurnberg Associates




Joel and Sophie interviewed our Dream Catcher today.

Gracie and Rainy took notes


Andrew Nurnberg (Harriet’s husband!) explained that he’s a literary agent. “A literary agent is somebody who looks after authors, finding the best publisher for the books.”


Every day is different at his job. He travels around the world a lot to meet publishers in other countries.

“The best thing about my job is working with so many talented people, dreaming up ideas together.”

What learning and experience did you need to get your job?

“None!” He did go to university and was studying for a higher degree, but he needed money, so he went to pack books for another agent. Eventually he took over the business.

Andrew grew up in East Finchley in North London. He first went to a school that was run by nuns. Later he went to a Catholic secondary school called St Benedict’s in Ealing. He had to travel a long way on the underground to get to school. “I usually did my homework on the tube.”

When he was younger he wanted to be a farmer or a fire engine driver. One of the children asked why he wanted to drive a fire engine. “I thought it was exciting and romantic, and I wanted to help people.” 

If you could meet yourself at our age, what advice would you give yourself?

“Always keep an open mind.”






Gracie, Niyah and Sadia - St Luke's footballers




Gracie, Niyah and Sadia in Year 6 volunteered to do a Dream Catcher assembly about their experience as young footballers. All three girls play for local teams or clubs: Gracie for Islington District, Niyah for Arsenal, Sadia for LFS.


Who inspired you to play football?

“My dad!” Niyah said. “As soon as I could stand up he put a ball in front of my feet.”

Gracie also said her dad inspired her to play.

Sadia said her parents inspired her: “I wouldn’t be here without my family!”


What do you love the most about football?

“The best thing in football is the friendship.” (Gracie)

 “I like to support my team.” (Niyah)

“I love the respect on the pitch.” (Sadia)


How much time do you spend training?

Gracie trains on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, and on Sunday afternoons.

Niyah trains on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.

Sadia trains on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and often plays on Fridays.


What do you dislike about football?

“Boasting.” (Niyah)

“Unhappiness.” (Sadia)

“I dislike it when people get mad and yell if they lose.” (Gracie)


What position do you like to play?

“Right wing.” (Gracie)

“Goalkeeper, left wing and striker.” (Niyah)

“Left wing and striker.” (Sadia)


How did you feel when you first got into a team or club?

“When I went to try out for the Islington District Team I was really nervous,” Gracie told us. “There were lots of really good players at the trial, but I tried my best, and I got in.”


“At the beginning at Arsenal it was hard because I didn’t know anyone,” Niyah admitted, “but now I’ve been there two months, I have lots of friends.”


Sadia said she also felt nervous when she first joined: “But I kept on, and now it’s fun.”





Anna Scharnetzky - Barrister, Erskine Chambers




Ivy and Yeshua interviewed our Dream Catcher today. Deon and William took notes.

“I’m a barrister, not a barista: I don’t serve coffee! That means I’m a kind of lawyer. I argue cases in court, and I give specialist advice in my area, which is company law.”

“On a typical day I sit in my office and work, thinking about arguments to persuade the judge of my client’s case. I work on lots of written documents. Two, three or sometimes four times a month I go to court to argue a case before a judge.”

“I grew up in Germany and went to primary school, then to secondary school (that’s called Gymnasium in German). I did the equivalent of A-levels, and then I came to England to university. After my first degree I did another year of study and then a year in chambers (that’s what barristers call their offices) as a ‘pupil’ barrister before I qualified.”

One of the children listening asked: are you a judge?

“No. The judge is the person in court who decides the case.  Each person has a barrister like me arguing for them, and then the judge decides who is right.”

“My advice to myself at your age would be not to be scared of failure. Ask for help if you need it! Most people are really helpful: they like being asked.”



Tahura Ferdous - Teacher, St Luke's Primary School




“I’m the Year 3 teacher here, and at the weekend I tutor other children.”

“On a typical school day I come in early to prepare a lot of stuff before the children come in. I get here at 7.00 in the morning and I often work until 7.30 at night.”

“I was born here in London, in Homerton Hospital, and raised in Hackney. When I was younger I thought I was going to be a nurse or a doctor.”

“If I get upset my class gives me loads of hugs and makes me happy.”

“If I didn’t have this job I’d want to be a social worker.”

“If I could have three wishes, I’d want to live a really long time, maybe 300 years! I’d also wish for peace in the world, no more wars anywhere. And I’d want to give everyone a good home and all the food they need.”

Amelia and Treyvon took these notes on our Dream Catcher today.



Cristina Ionescu - Structural Engineer, Heyne Tillett Steel




“I’m a structural engineer, which means I design buildings. On a typical day at work I might make a 3D model of our design so we can look at what happens, say if the wind blows: will it stand up?”


“The best thing about my job is walking down the road and saying: ‘Look! I designed that building!’”


“I’m from Romania – that’s a 3-hour flight from here.”


“I’m a structural engineer, which means I design buildings. On a typical day at work I might make a 3D model of our design so we can look at what happens, say if the wind blows: will it stand up?”


“The best thing about my job is walking down the road and saying: ‘Look! I designed that building!’”


“I’m from Romania – that’s a 3-hour flight from here.”


“I was born in Bucharest, the capital. In my country you have to go to university to be an engineer; here you can go to college and learn on the job.”


“When I was younger I wanted to be a vet and an engineer, but I realised I can’t handle sick animals; it makes me cry, so I went for engineering. I’ve always been intrigued by how things work.”



“My dream is that we as a company and as individuals realise how we can help make an impact on climate change.”


“Don’t let anyone put you in a box and label you. If you want to be an astronaut, go for it!”



Ruth Grant - Chair of Governors, St Luke's and Moreland Primary School




Ruth Grant, recently retired as a Partner at Hogan Lovells, chairs our school’s Governing Body. Milad and J.J. interviewed Ruth in Dream Catcher assembly today. Aliyah and Sadia took notes.


“You have to be quite good at managing your time to be a lawyer. The two best things about the job were solving problems and working with all kinds of different people. No day was ever the same.”


“I was born in Scotland, then moved to Nigeria and later to New Zealand.”


“I was really proud on my first day at school. At one point I thought I wanted to be a doctor, but I wasn’t too good at maths.  I did a law degree at university.”


“Years ago, when I was a lawyer, I had to drive my husband’s car to this man’s house to serve a court order. Usually these things are straightforward but on this occasion it wasn’t. The man picked up his gardening shears!”


If you had to choose a different job, what would you do?

I would be a travel writer. I would go to lots of different places and write about them.


If you could meet yourself at our age, what advice would you give yourself?

I would take every opportunity to speak up and volunteer for different roles




Ann Dwulit - Headteacher, St Luke's Primary School




What learning and experience did you need to do your job?

“I needed to work really hard at school. I was afraid of maths but I had to overcome my fear, and one day it just clicked. I trained as a primary teacher and then worked my way up to Assistant Headteacher, like Mrs Damolekun, then Deputy Head and finally Headteacher.”


What's the best thing about your job?

“The best, best thing is working and talking with you children!”


Where did you grow up and go to school?

“I was born in Aldgate, not very far from here, and I went to school in Aldgate too.”


Back when you were at school, what did you dream of doing when you grew up?

“I wanted to be an actress and singer, or an air hostess. Then I decided I didn’t want to spend all my time in airplanes, and my mum said I couldn’t be an actress, but I could be a drama teacher.”


Deon followed up: Why did your mother not want you to be an actress?

“She was very strict; I didn’t question it. She was worried for me: when you grow up you need a good job with regular money coming in, and actors don’t always have work.”


If you could meet yourself at our age, what advice would you give yourself?

“Be more confident!  I was very quiet at your age; it was only at secondary school that I began to speak up a bit more.”





Mohamed (Dodi) El Sayed - Football international, café owner, caterer, parent





Gracie and Lily from Year 6 interviewed our Dream Catcher today, Mohamed El Sayed, proud father of Nadia in Year 1. Mrs Damolekun taught Nadia’s older sister Magda, who is now finishing sixth form and planning to study medicine. “I come from Egypt, and I played football for Egypt. I started playing football in primary school.”

Born in Alexandria, Egypt’s great port city at the mouth of the Nile, Dodi El Sayed, as he was known, played for several clubs and for Egypt’s national team.

“Football wasn’t like it is now: it didn’t pay much so we had other jobs. We even had to buy our own kit.”

Few players in Dodi’s time wore protective equipment like shin guards. When he was just 27, playing an international game in Lagos, Nigeria, Dodi broke his leg badly. He was flown straight to Germany for an operation that saved his leg but ended his career in professional football.

After that he brought his family to London for a new start in life.

“I started work here as a builder.” Then he moved into catering and ran his own café, but he had to close it because of the pandemic.

Now he does catering for schools. But football will always be Dodi’s hobby and passion. He coaches children and is a big Arsenal fan.

“If my English were better, I’d be a famous coach by now!”

“You’re in a very good school,” Dodi said. “It is important to study and finish school, maybe go on to university.”

“But make sure you also do sport, any sport you enjoy – football, basketball, tennis, any sport you like. Sport will keep you healthy and strong.”



Jean Petrovic - British Library

Bibliographical Editor for Canada, The Eccles Centre for American Studies




Yeshua and Raniyah in Year 5 interviewed Jean Petrovic, our Dream Catcher today. Jean works at the British Library, near King’s Cross station. “It’s one of the three biggest libraries in the world, with something like 170 million books!”


“My focus is the North American collection. At the moment I’m looking at maps of Canada; some of them are 400 years old. Today I’ll be uploading a blog to our website, about the latest lunchtime talks when people come in to hear about our different collections.”


Jean grew up in Epsom and went to a girls’ school. “When I was your age I actually wanted to be a primary school teacher. I didn’t know what I wanted to study at university, but one day I opened a catalogue and there was a course in American Studies, which meant I got to spend a year in the USA. After finishing my first degree I went back to the US to do a Master’s in American Studies, and then another Master’s in Library Studies. My parents thought I’d never finish studying! Then I got this job at the British Library, and I’m still there 30 years later. There’s never been one day when I didn’t want to go into work: it’s so interesting, and I work with lovely people.”



Sonny Conteh - Slaughter and May




Sonny is a Business Analyst at Slaughter and May, the law firm that does so much for our school. "I'm a Londoner, but I went to Leicester for university, to study Business and IT. That’s when I learned how important computers are for business. This really is my dream job, using IT to help people at work, finding solutions to business problems.”
“I’ve always loved football, and if I weren’t doing this job now I’d love to be playing for Arsenal. But if you’re really passionate about something, even if it’s not the main thing you do, you can find other ways to keep it up." In Sonny's case, that included cheering the final of this year's Slaughter and May Primary Schools Football League, and presenting the trophies and medals!


Lewis and Brad - Barclays





Lewis Clark and Bradley Wheal work at Barclays, a major international bank with 900 branches around Britain. “Brad and I are based in Moorgate,” Lewis explained. “I’m a branch manager, with a team of 20 people helping our customers manage their money.  When we’re recruiting people for Barclays, one of the biggest things we look at is personality: how you engage with people. My top tip for you now would be to work hard at getting along with your schoolmates and your teachers. That will really help you in later life.”


Brad’s job as a Digital Eagle is all about IT training. “Often I work one-to-one with people, but sometimes I’ll train a group. The best thing about my job is getting to do sessions like this in school!”


Before assembly Brad and Lewis showed Year 3 how to code their own fun game using Scratch, the free online coding platform. Watch out for that fish-eating shark!



Avis Venning - Development Manager, Peabody Housing





Avis Venning is a Development Manager at Peabody, a housing association. They provide homes for people to live in, at a lower rent than commercial developers. 

"At your age I didn't have big dreams because I didn't see people with brown faces like mine doing great things, not even on TV. My dream now is to give people good homes to live in, safe and secure with their families. So I'm living my dream."



Simon Watson - Accenture





Simon Watson, father of Gracie in Year 5, works at Accenture, advising businesses on the technology they use for sales. “Let’s say Mrs Damolekun here is at the till in a toy shop. To pay for a toy you hand her a card. She puts your card in a machine that talks to your bank, and the bank pays your money to the toy shop. I help businesses make all that work better.”   

“My advice to myself at your age would be: first of all, have breakfast! Eating properly first thing gives you the fuel you need for the day to concentrate and stay motivated. Secondly, don’t try to be better than someone else, just try to be better in yourself. Maybe you could work harder at school. Or if you weren’t very kind to someone yesterday, try to be kinder today.”



Louise Constad - Make-up Artist






Louise Constad has worked as a make-up artist for 42 years. Whether she’s making up a film actor, fashion model or a bride, she told us: “Timing is very important—you don’t want to be late or it will ruin the client’s day!

“To do what I do you have to really like fashion and make-up, and you have to be dedicated. You also have to like people: you work really close to their faces.”




Susan and Katrina - Heyne Tillett Steel


Susan Mantle and Katrina Wylie work together at Heyne Tillett Steel, an engineering consultancy based near our school. Susan is the Technical Director; as a structural engineer she designs buildings. Katrina is a civil engineer working to reduce and manage floods that might affect the buildings Susan designs. Both of them really enjoyed maths and science at school.


What Susan likes most about their work is doing something real. “It’s great to see something you’ve designed being built, seeing people come in and enjoy the building. I really like problem-solving: we’re constantly working to make things better for people.”







Reverend Vicki Davies


Reverend Vicki Davies launched our Dream Catcher assemblies this year. She was ordained at St Paul’s Cathedral in July this year and has come to serve in our own parish of St Clement’s, supporting Father David.


 “I help with marriages, baptisms, funerals, coffee mornings and Bible study groups. Coming into school is one of the best parts of my job.”







Femi Rowaiye - Global Head of Implementations, Treasury & Trade Solutions, Citibank

Mrs Damolekun’s brother was our very special Dreamcatcher!

Year 6 interviewed him in assembly and took notes.


“I work in a bank. Banks look after our money.  They also do a lot of lending, for instance to people who want to buy a house or a car. I work in the part of the bank that works with companies, looking after the  Internet banking for our company clients.”

“My job is a global role, so one of things I like best is travelling all around the world. Last year I was in Colombia, in South America, and as far away as New Zealand. I get to meet different people, experiencing different cultures, tasting different food.”

“I was born here but I grew up in Nigeria. When I went to school I wanted to be an engineer. I used to open up radios and irons and things just to find out how they worked. I studied Engineering at university so I am an engineer.”

“My advice is would be to study what you really enjoy. When you get a job it won’t feel like work—it will feel like a hobby. But remember too: nothing is easy in life, but if you work hard you will get where you want. You have to prepare and put in effort, then you’ll get the result.”


After assembly Femi visited Year 6 and Year 5. With the help of some willing volunteers, he showed us how you earn interest from a bank when you deposit money in a savings account. The same bank charges interest on the money they lend to borrowers. They make a profit by charging more to borrowers than they pay out to depositers.

Femi also showed us some oil rigs from his time as an engineer, another exciting career!



Inspiring former pupils 

We've been greatly inspired by former St Luke's pupils who have gone on to university. Three of them received grants from the St Luke's Trust to help with their studies, a unique opportunity for our children.



Simon Edekere  is studying Psychology at Middlesex University.  He urged pupils to, "Cherish your time at primary school! You're making memories for life." 


Simon's younger brother Leo Edekere is studying Law at City University. Like Simon, he is working part-time while pursuing his studies - "A job really helps you develop independence and different skills."


Sonia Chadni told us that visiting Slaughter and May when she was at our school inspired her to become a lawyer. She is now in her final year in Law at Brunel University. 


"If you've gone to this school you can apply for a grant from the St Luke's Trust to help you through university. That's been amazing:  without that help I might not have got such good grades." (no longer aval.)



When Damola Taiwo was at our school he dreamed of playing professional football, but he also always enjoyed Maths. At secondary school he decided to pursue his studies, so he went to Birmingham University and gained a degree in Computer Science.


"I did a summer internship at Barclays Investment Bank and they invited me to apply for a graduate position. Being at a bank allows me to use my mathematical skills."



Dreamcatchers who have inspired us since 2018:  

Jess Cameron, Head of School

Tulsi Parekh, Research Optometrist 

Holly Bland, Air BnB Experiences

Iman Faruki and Vivian Bennett, Oxford Law Student Ambassadors

Kanom Bibi, Research Photographer Moorfields

Kelly Tham, Commercial Lead, BfB Labs

Kelly Craig, ELon Edu Officer, Dogs Trust

Dr Alexandra Turner, Research Children's Society

Susannah Morgan, Producing Co-ordinator National Theatre

Hannah Agass, Learning and Access Officer, Museum of the Order of St John

Daniel Lawson, Signify Technology

Andrew Hollingsworth, The Passage

Jess Child, EPPR Network Manager NHS England

Femi Rowaiye, Citibank, Global Head of Implementations Treasury and Trade Solutions

Leah Hyslop, Deputy Editor, Waitrose Food

Clive James, Health and Safety, St John's Ambulance

Hannah Owen, Assistant Programme Manager Nesta

Lorna Nsoatabe, Associate, Slaughter and May

Chris Fry, Executive Producer, Sister Pictures

Courtauld Gallery Education Team, Courtauld Gallery

Eye Technicians from Moorfield Eye Hospital

Paul Williams, Chief Software Engineer Bloomberg

George Petters, Ex-pupil and 6th form student at Central Foundation for Boys

David Cakebread, Trainee Solicitor, Slaughter and May

Natalie Anson-Wright, Dance and Drama Teacher

Elizabeth Corley, Senior Advisor, Allianz Global Investors

Louise Taylor, Fundraising and Events officer, Moorfields Eye Charity

Anna Godas, CEO Dogwoof Film


Dreamcatcher assemblies before 2018


Matt Coleman and Steve Hale work for Osborne, rebuilding the Redbrick Estate. Matt is the Project Manager. Steve is a quantity surveyor. Lily Glasser of Newman Francis makes sure the local community is involved. They posed with some of the children who painted the prize-winning hoarding off Lizard Street.



Tom Mitchell visited us in September, fresh from winning  Silver at the Rio Olympics 2016 as Captain of Team GB Rugby 7s.


One of the children asked how he got to be captain. "I think it was trying to be an example to everyone: being a servant to the team." 
