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St Luke's

Church of England Primary School

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Autumn Term 2 2024

Year 3 has had a great start to the half term! We’ve been learning about Spain, exploring its incredible human and physical features, and the children have loved it so far.  In English, we’re beginning to plan and write our non-chronological reports to share what we’ve learned. Our P.E. lessons have been engaging, with cricket and Inspire Football helping us build both athletic skills and teamwork. In maths, we’ve focused on strengthening our addition and subtraction skills and are now moving on to more challenging three-digit equations. We’re also busy preparing for our sharing assembly (Tuesday 3rd December)and look forward to showing you what we’ve been working on. We hope you can join us!

On Thursday 28th November we had the exciting opportunity to have a pantomine come to our school! It was exciting, interactive and funny; the children absolutely loved it!


Kirsty from Country Trust came and had our second growing session for Food Discovery! During this session, the children had the opportunity to plant spring bulb, berries and garlic as well making bird feeders to hand in the woodland area in our playground. The children had a blast!

Country Trust Food Discovery Second Session
