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St Luke's

Church of England Primary School

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The School Day

At St Luke's, the school day begins at 8:50am and ends at 3:30pm. For activities running outside of these times, such as breakfast club, after school care and clubs, please see the School Day tab.


A typical day at St Luke's:


8.50 amSoft start – school gates open
9.00 amOfficial start to the school day
9:15 amAssembly
9:30 amReading activities
10:00 amLiteracy lesson
11:00 amMorning break
11.15 amMaths lesson
12:00 pmLunch for Nursery and Reception
12.15 pmLunch for Year 1
12.30 pmLunch for Year 2 – 6
13.30 pmAfternoon lessons – Topic, PE, Swimming, PSHE, RE, Music etc
3.30 pmEnd of the school day for Nursery, Reception
3.30 pmEnd of the school day for KS1 and KS2


St Luke's operates a ‘soft start’ the day for all pupils in Years 1-6. Children are encouraged to arrive at school at 8.50 a.m. and go straight to their classrooms. We don’t ask children to line up. The children are allowed to come straight into the classroom. The children are provided with an activity that will allow them to begin the day in a positive way.
