The Friends of St Luke's Primary School is our school parents' organisation. They do a fantastic job in supporting our school and it would be much-appreciated if as many parents as possible could get involved and give their support too!
Volunteering with The Friends of St Luke's is a rewarding experience and is a great way to meet other parents and become involved with the life of the school. The Friends of St Luke's support the school by organising a variety of social and fundraising events for children and adults during the school year. The Friends’ aim is to ensure parents and guardians have a chance to socialise and have fun while raising money for the school.
All parents and guardians automatically become members of The Friends of St Luke's when their child joins the school. Staff and governors are also Friends and membership extends to interested members of the local community.
One of the highlights of the year is our amazing International Evening, featuring our singers as well as a reggae band. We have sung carols with The Friends of St Luke's in Wesley’s Chapel, Moorfields Eye Hospital and on Islington Green where we raised £100.54 for Caris the charity for homeless people. We raised £691.83 at the Christmas fair for GOSH- Great Ormond Street Hospital. We also had lots of fun and collected £205.13 for Children in need, £84.55 for the Poppy Appeal and £114.12 for MacMillan coffee morning cake sale.
We continue to work successfully with a number of community partners and business links including Hogan and Lovells, Slaughter and May, Schroders Bank, City University and Inmarsat providing opportunities for our children to experience opportunities outside of their daily lives such as visiting places of work.
For details of events or to become involved with The Friends please visit contact the school office.