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Church of England Primary School

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Celebratory Shout Out

Mrs Dwulit receives The Mellitus Medal

July 2024


Our Mrs Dwulit has received the honour of The Mellitus medal from The Bishop of London. This is for her "dedication to the education of young people in London through the LDBS; her support of London through the LDBS; her support of emerging school leaders; and care for local community schools. Ann's prayerfulness, pastoral care, kindness and understanding of people and community make her truly exceptional."




Francis Alÿss Ricochets Exhibition

June 2024


Year 5 children from St Luke's were honoured to be part of the  Francis Alÿss Ricochet Exhibition about children's games at The Barbican. Thank you Barbican team for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We will always remember it.




Maths Day

22 May 2024


We love maths in St Luke's! On Thursday we had a lot of fun doing maths all day! We had magic maths workshops, lots of problem-solving, and lots of learning! Thanks very much, Dr Nicholls for making today possible. We love maths in St Luke's!




Filming with Francis Alÿss

16th April 2024


St Luke's have loved filming with the Barbican and the renowned artist Francis Alÿss. We will be part of an exhibition about children's games which will run at the Barbican from 26 June - 1 Sept 2024. Thank you Barbican team for giving us this opportunity.


My Neighbour Totoro

29 February 2024

Year 5 were mesmerised at the Barbican Centre, enchanted by the theatrical brilliance of My Neighbor Totoro! The stage came alive with magic. A day to remember! Thank you to the visual arts and theatre art the Barbican department for the tickets! #TotoroOnStage






Slaughter & May


Children from St. Luke's, who are partnered with reading volunteers from the Law firm Slaughter & May, visited their workplace, to gain insight into the world of work of a successful City Company.



The O2 Arena

30th January 2024


St Luke's choir of angels from year 5 and 6 raised the roof of the O2 Arena last night in Young Voices. It was an experience of a lifetime! Thank you to all the people who gave us the opportunity to shine with thousands of other children together, united and strong.





Wild City

18th January 2024


Year 5 were invited to Salters' Institute to take part in activities linked to biodiversity with Wild City and Edible Landscapes. We have entered a design competition that involves designing an outdoor space that showcases biodiversity. Looking after our neighbours (human, plant or creature) is important to us.



Francis Alys

15th November 2023


On the November 15th, Year 5 met the artist Francis Alys. They will be collaborating with Francis to produce an exhibition at the Barbican. They have been given such a wonderful opportunity!



Wild City Competition 

7 November 2023


Year 5 are through to the next stage of the Wild City competition in collaboration with the Salters institute and Edible Landscapes London. Our school has been chosen to take part in Wild City because our students really explored biodiversity and took a winning photograph that both inspired and impressed the judges. Well done Year 5!


Below is the winning photograph




Bunhill Cemetery Community Artwork October 2023 


Year 6 children have been collaborating with the Islington Community artist Georgina Fay over the last two years to produce an art work to celebrate the local history of the Bunhill area. Children created logos to represent trades from the past (and present) and these were printed onto large banners. St. Luke's Community Centre and another local school were also involved. The art work received its official unveiling by the Mayor of Islington Gary Heather.

Ofsted 24th and 25th May 2023


"St Luke's is a caring and welcoming school where pupils are happy and safe. Leaders and staff know their pupils well. Pupils are confident to talk to any adult in school if they have any worries. Teachers ensure that pupils behave well and work hard in lessons..... Overall pupils achieve strong outcomes at the end of each key stage".



Debate It! Competition

5th June 2023


We won the Debate It! competition for the second year running! Congratulations to the team of highly articulate persuasive children! Thanks very much to Hogan Lovells law firm for organising the event and to Sally, Soroya and Mrs Damolekun for supporting the children to confidently represent their school. We are extremely proud of every single child. 




The Harp Concert at L.S.O. St. Luke’s.

12th May 2023


Our young musicians attended the lunchtime concert - to experience professional harpists play a selection of well-known musical compositions that included Fantasia by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


There was a Q&A after the performance and we found out that there were 47 strings on a normal harp and on the smallest harp there were only 10 strings! We were able to then look at the harps and inspect them closely. 


It was a very enjoyable experience; the music was beautiful.


Written by Ceres & Sophia (Year 6)



Coronation Ceremony

5th May 2023


Children, staff and families enjoyed a lovely Coronation ceremony on Friday. King Charles was our guest of honour (in cardboard form) thanks to The St Luke's Centre. It was wonderful to celebrate together, united and full of hope and joy.

Meeting The Bishop of London

18th March 2023


Year 5 had the privilege of meeting The Bishop of London at Wesley's Chapel during her Day in the City Deanery. Jose and Isabelle were given the opportunity to interview her personally. Year 5 ended the meeting with a lovely performance of the St Luke's Way song. The Bishop of London and her clergy were very impressed.


Easter Service at St Giles

30th March 2023


Our Easter Service at St. Giles was wonderful! We were very pleased that Bishop Pete was able to join us on our annual pilgrimage from school to St Giles Church where we recreated the Easter story marking Jesus's entry to Jerusalem on a donkey right up to His resurrection. Bayleaf the donkey from Spitlefields Farm escorts children from years 1 to year 6 every year as we enter Church with our palms. The sight of 180 children, the Bishop, Father Jack, Fr David, the staff and our parents walking through the City of London with a donkey is quite something to see! Year 4 performed a very moving dance and were well supported by Year 6 children. Our Service led us to take strength from the sadness as we acted out the Passion which led us to a place of hope seen in the resurrection.  




London Sinfonietta Composition Challenge

13th March 2023


On the 13th March Year 5 took part in a composition challenge run by the London Sinfonietta at Islington Assembly Hall. In the lead up to the concert the class worked with Mr Jones to create visual 'sound shapes' out of musical paintings the class had made and then worked in groups to interpret these shapes and pictures into sounds and music using a variety of different instruments. They named their piece 'Pick 'n' Mix' after the variety of sweets. At the concert on the 13th Year 5 performed their piece expertly and were even joined for a second play-through by a flautist and bassoonist from the London Sinfonietta! Mr Jones was very proud of Year 5's work and especially their performance.




Philosophy for Children (P4C) day

1st March 2023


Every class from Years 1 - 6 responded to an intriguing soundscape from the National Gallery during assembly. Back in class we shared our ideas about what we heard, with our team of Young Philosophers listening in and noting children’s thoughts and questions. A big question was generated by each class to present back to the whole school in a second assembly.


Can we be friends with a tiger? Year 1

Why is there a person in the jungle? Year 2

How do we know dinosaurs make the noise we think they make? Year 3

Can we kill animals that hunt humans? Year 4

Was the tiger attacking, protecting or scared? Year 5

How does mindset change our perception of things? Year 6


Two questions (in bold) were selected by the children for further enquiry, with further exploration raising questions such as:

  • Years 2, 4 and 6 explored whether we should kill animals that hunt or hurt humans, Would that kill off whole species? Are there other ways to protect ourselves? Should animals be killed for doing ‘what’s in their nature’? Year 6 came up with sample scenarios, ranking them from when you might need to kill and when you might not.  

  • Years 1, 3 and 5 explored the tiger’s actions and feelings, generally concluding that the tiger they’d heard was scared or surprised, or that it was protecting its cubs. Year 1 came up with a big new question: is it okay to own a wild animals.


Feedback from our Young Philosophers:

“It was the best day ever!” Skyla, Year 4

“We really had to think. Maybe the tiger was scared because he thought there was a hunter.” Zishan, Year 3

“I liked it when I was writing what all the children said, because they had great comments.” Hollie, Year 4

“I think having something to draw or write while we’re doing P4C is good, so you can work out what you want to say.” Romaysaa, Year 5


Aspiring Lioness

9th February 2023


Niyah was interviewed by the BBC news following the Football Associations new plans to ensure that young female footballers have access to high quality coaching in England. 

The Primary Maths Challenge

7th February 2023


Last October, The Primary Maths challenge was taken by a group of Year 6 Mathematicians. It consists of complex problem solving questions. They all did really well and achieved gold, silver and bronze certificates. Two of the children - Yeshua and Sophia - achieved high enough marks that they were invited to take the bonus challenge in early February.


Both children performed very well and received certificates in recognition of their success. In addition, Yeshua was rewarded with a Bronze lapel pin.


