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Church of England Primary School

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

SEND Curriculum Statement


At St Luke’s we believe all pupils should have the opportunity to learn to the best of their capabilities through a broad and balanced, inclusive curriculum.  This means that every child, including those with SEND should have access to a high standard of teaching. Teachers give every child the opportunity to experience success in learning and to achieve as high a standard as possible. All teachers take account of their duties under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that they meet the full range of children’s needs including the protected characteristics. Our aim is that every child is prepared for their next class and stage in education and we have high expectations of them all and for them all.


Teachers plan lessons to respond to pupils’ diverse learning needs and ensure that there are no barriers to every child achieving. Reading is a strong focus as we endeavour to get every child to age-appropriate level and fluency where we can. In many cases, this will mean that all children will be able to access the full National Curriculum and the EYFS curriculum.  However, for some children with SEND, we scaffold their learning and use different approaches and additional resources in line with our school-based interventions. Some children have particular learning and physical individual requirements and require a personal, more individual curriculum which is relevant to their development and learning needs. For most children this is based on what the rest of the class are learning but for some children with more complex needs it is more individual.  However, our aim is that we do not offer children with SEND a reduced curriculum.  We want every child to know more, remember more and be able to do more. We take advice from external professionals in these cases like The Bridge outreach team, Samuel Rhodes outreach team etc. We also work in full partnership with parents so they can reinforce learning at home.


Our school has a clear approach to identifying and responding to children with SEND.  We recognise the benefits of early identification – identifying need at the earliest point and then making effective provision to improve the long-term outcomes for the child. We regularly review and evaluate the quality of the support we offer and the progress made by the children in our Pupil Progress meetings. Link SEND governors attend at least one of these meetings a year.


Further details can be found in the SEN Policy, SEN information report, Accessibility Plan and the Single Equality Plan.

Updated by Monica Dickman, January 2023

SEND Information Report 2022

Please click on the link below to take you to other policies like the Managing Medicines Policy, Accessibility Plan and the Single Equality Plan.

