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Church of England Primary School

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Autumn Term 2 2024

Week 6: 

We’ve had a very Christmassy week! We performed Christmas songs in front our parents, wore Christmas jumpers and ate a Christmas dinner and we even had a visit from Father Christmas himself! 

Week 5: 

Nursery had a wonderful philosophy lesson with Harriet our P4C tutor. Harriet showed the children two different hats; a builders hat and a crown. The children talked about the people that might wear these hats and why they wear them. We discussed the similarities and differences between the two hats. The children then decided which hat they would like to wear and why. 

We also had another successful Open Morning where parents joined us in the classroom to make some lovely Christmas decorations. Thank you for coming parents! 

Week 4: 


This week we had a fantastic time planting bulbs in our outdoor area planters, we also planted some in small pots to take home. 

Sophia, out Naturehood Tutor, came in to tell the children all about bulbs. She showed them the roots of a bulb, the place where the stem would grow from and the beautiful daffodil flower the bulbs would grow into when they woke up in the spring. The children loved planting their own bulbs and learning how to look after their bulb at home. 

Week 3:

The children have spent the week as bakers! They worked in groups to make Gingerbread men and then decorated them using icing sugar, jelly tots and smarties. Lots of children asked ‘will the Gingerbread Men jump out of the oven like in the story?’ :)


In maths, the children learnt how to subitise numbers up to 6. To subitise, means to automatically see there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 spots without individually counting them. They then had to match the numbers on the dice to the digits on the paper and colour them in. This helped strengthen their ability to recognise numbers as well as develop their pencil control by colouring. A win, win! 


Week 2:


On Monday we talked about Remembrance Day. The children learnt that many years ago, a disagreement occurred between many different countries. Lots of soldiers got hurt trying to protect their country and their families. To help us remember these brave soldiers, we wear poppies and spend a minute in silence on the 11th November, every year. 

The children then made some lovely pictures of poppies by printing duplo bricks with red and green paint. 

The children also had a wonderful music lesson with Mr Jones. They really enjoyed waving pieces of coloured material to the beat of the music. 

Week 1:


This week we’ve celebrated the festival Diwali. Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world celebrate Diwali which symbolises the victory of light over darkness, good over bad. 

The children had such a lovely time using torches to light up the classroom. They particularly enjoyed using the torches when playing with the wooden, sensory blocks. They took turns to look into the kaleidoscopes and talked about the pretty patterns they could see.

They’ve also made some beautiful Diwali tea lights called Diyas using blank CDs, glue and gems. 
