Spring 2: Week 1
This week, nursery became scientists and explored mini beasts using magnifying glasses and other equipment.
They also had so much fun during our music lessons delivered by our amazing music teacher!
Spring 2: Week 2
This week, we spoke about Mother’s Day and why our mummies are so important.
We started our Mother’s Day project which was making cards for our mummies.
We also drew what we wanted to be when we were older by looking at pictures of people who help us.
Spring 2: Week 3
This week nursery dressed up in amazing costumes for World Book Day, the children loved seeing their friends dressed up in their favourite story characters.
We also started creating art for our upcoming Spring display, we looked at some pink roses and created drawings from it.
Spring 2 : Week 4
This week, we have started exploring the spring season and have created beautiful spring sun catchers for our classroom!
Spring 2 : Week 5
This week, we explored different breakfast foods and discussed which one we tried was our favourite and drew a picture on it.
We also created our own Easter hats which we will wear at the Prize giving assembly.
Spring 2, Week 6:
This week we met an amazing donkey called Bay leaf, we had a chance to say hello to them and pet them.
We had so much fun finding all the Easter bunnies for our Easter egg hunt and had an Easter egg as a reward.
Finally, we created Easter cards to give to our family.